Project Calico Community Code of Conduct


Primary goal of the Project Calico community is to support you and your organization in running Project Calico and enable continuous learning through collaboration. It’s to be inclusive and bring value to all participants with their varied and diverse backgrounds. We are committed to providing a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment for everyone.

This code of conduct outlines what is expected of all those participating in the Project Calico community whether in person or online, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.

Your participation is contingent upon following these guidelines in all Project Calico activities, including but not limited to:

  • Using Calico resources
  • Representing Project Calico at public events
  • Representing Project Calico in social media (both official accounts and personal accounts)
  • Working and collaborating with other Project Calico community members whether virtually or in-person
  • Participating in Calico events
  • Participating in Calico related forums, websites, chat channels, in-person meetings, Slack channels, and Calico related correspondence

We invite all those who participate in Calico activities online and in-person to help our community create safe and positive experiences for everyone, everywhere.


The Calico community is dedicated to providing a harassment free, welcoming, safe and positive environment for all of its members. As contributors and maintainers, we pledge equal experience for everyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender identity and expression, education, level of experience, body size, nationality, race, religion, sexual identity and orientation, ethnicity, citizenship, neurodiversity, mental health, and socioeconomic status.

Our Responsibility

Project Calico maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project Calico maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any community member for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, and/or offensive.

Expected Behaviour

All community members whether they are interacting online or in person are expected to behave in accordance with professional standards and Project Calico’s Code of Conduct.

The following are expected and requested of all community members:

  • Refrain from discriminatory, harassing, demeaning and aggressive behavior and speech.
  • Always attempt collaboration before conflict.
  • Always practice consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
  • Lead conversations towards conflict resolution.
  • Report to one of Project Calico team members if you notice an alarming situation, someone in distress, or any violations of this Code of Conduct.

Unacceptable Behaviour

The behaviors below are considered harassment and are not acceptable within the Calico community.

  • Belittling phrases in any context involving background, family status, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, personal appearance, body size, native language, age, ability, neurodiversity, mental health, race and/or ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, and immigration status or religion. Hurtful or harmful language is never acceptable.
  • Harassment of any form either in public or private and in person or online is never acceptable.
  • Personal Attainment Conflicts will inevitably happen, but irritation should never be used as an excuse to attack someone personally. Insulting, demeaning, or belittling people is not acceptable. It is not appropriate to attack someone for their views, ideas, or opinions. When we disagree or believe we need to change, it’s vital to speak up, but we must do so in a courteous and professional manner while keeping focused on the topic at hand.
  • Sexual harassment of any sort is not appropriate and not acceptable. This includes improper touching, or sexual approaches, as well as sexualized statements, jokes, or images in encounters, correspondence, or presentation materials. Touching a person without permission is prohibited. This involves physically obstructing or threatening someone else. Without an express agreement, physical touch or simulated physical contact is not permitted. This includes sharing/ distributing sexualized images or text.
  • Threats and violence are not acceptable, online or in-person. Including provoking an individual, encouraging self-harm behavior. Also includes, cyberbullying (posting or threatening to post other individuals’ personal information).
  • Community distributive behavior is not tolerated. Including, soliciting unwanted products or services, spamming community discussions, events, forums, meetings and presentations.


All cases that are reported will be reviewed and investigated by the Project Calico team and will result in but not limited to the following reinforcements.

  • Verbal warnings.
  • Written warnings.
  • Temporary or permanent absence from the community depending on the gravity of the violation.
  • Revision of community membership before returning to the community.

Community members and Project Calico contributors who don’t follow or practice the Code of Conduct in good faith, regardless of who they are, face the likely outcome of being banned for good.

Reporting Guidelines

If you witness or experience any unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns please let us know as soon as possible by emailing [email protected] or contacting a Project Calico team member.

Contact Information

For more information or questions please contact [email protected].